CSCEC holds launch ceremony for Hong Kong's first hydrogen energy project in the construction industry

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Recently, CSCEC held the launch ceremony for the first hydrogen energy project in Hong Kong's construction industry.


Hong Kong's first hydrogen-powered generator is officially applied at the construction site of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park

This event marks the official application of hydrogen-powered generators at the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park, setting key performance indicators and a series of standards for hydrogen energy projects in the construction industry. These include defining key technical parameters for hydrogen storage and transportation, fire safety, as well as safety standards across various sectors such as electromechanics, building services, and environmental protection.

Compared to traditional diesel power generation methods, hydrogen energy generation can reduce carbon emissions by 77%. Specifically, a hydrogen-powered generator running for one year can cut carbon emissions by approximately 118 tons, equivalent to the annual carbon absorption of about 5,140 trees.






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