Up We Build: Niraj Rimal's journey in the Narayanghat-Butwal Road Improvement Project in Nepal

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The Up We Build program, a sustainable development initiative by CSCEC, has been making significant strides across South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The program organizes various training and cultural exchange activities, aimed at  expanding a happy living environment.

Today, let's delve into the story of Niraj Rimal, a Nepali employee working on the Narayanghat-Butwal Road Improvement Project, and see how he has grown through his experiences with CSCEC.


Niraj Rimal started his journey with CSCEC as an office assistant in the Narayanghat-Butwal Road Improvement Project. In 2019, after earning a degree in Accounting Management from Madhyabindu Multiple Campus University, Niraj was recruited into the project department office as an assistant, starting his journey of growth and development in CSCEC.

On his first day, Niraj Rimal was assigned a Chinese engineer as a mentor to help him understand the office work processes and adapt to his new role.


To communicate more effectively in his work, Niraj Rimalnot only focused on enhancing his professional skills but also began learning Mandarin with the help of his Chinese colleagues to improve his communication skills. 


As the project progressed, the team introduced a large number of local technicians, and Niraj Rimal began to leverage his language skills and understanding of local culture, becoming a vital bridge between employees from different countries.

The project department frequently organized various cultural celebrations. Initially, Niraj participated in these events, but over time, he grew into a key initiator and organizer of these activities.


Over the past five years, Niraj Rimal transformed from a fresh graduate into a key management figure within the project team. NirajRimal attributes his growth as an engineer to CSCEC. He expresses his gratitude to the company for providing him with a platform that allowed him to enhance his skills and realize his potential.






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