Tsinghua University delegation visits CSCEC-built CBD project in New Administrative Capital in Egypt

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Recently, a delegation of faculty and students from Tsinghua University's Weiyang College visited the CSCEC-built CBD project in New Administrative Capital in Egypt. The delegation had the opportunity to visit the Iconic Tower of the project, known as the tallest building in Africa, as well as the steel structure corridor of C07 and C08 office buildings and the hall of C03 office building of the CBD project. The 15 students who participated in this visit came from various engineering-related majors such as Engineering Physics and Environmental Engineering.


During their visit to the sightseeing floor of the Iconic Tower, project engineers from CSCEC introduced the zoning and functions of the administrative area, green area, park area, and residential area of the New Administrative Capital, and introduced in detail the construction progress of the CBD project and the modern technology adopted in the construction.

The project engineers from CSCEC shared their work experiences and answered questions of interest from the students.

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