New Haifa port constructed by CSCEC begins operation

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Built by CSCEC, Israel's new Haifa port was begins operation on September 1, local time. This project is Israel's first large-scale newly opened port in 60 years in Israel, and it is also the most advanced, greenest and fastest-growing wharf on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. After its official operation, it will become Israel's largest container center and an important trade hub for exporting to European markets, providing more efficient and convenient services for goods circulation in Israel and its surrounding areas.


The project is planned to be constructed in two phases. The length of the shoreline of the first phase wharf is 805.5m, and the annual designed throughput is 1.06 million TEUs. The length of the shoreline of Phase II wharf is 715.7m, and the annual designed throughput is 800,000 TEUs. As the EPC general contractor, CSCEC is responsible for Phase I of the project.



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