China Construction South Pacific makes steady progress amid pandemic

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China Construction (South Pacific) Development Co Pte Ltd (CCDC) started the orderly resumption of work and production on July 1. While carrying out effective measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic, CCDC has made steady progress among different projects.


June 19 marked the second phrase of Singapore’s reopening. Following the policies of the country’s Building and Construction Authority (BCA), CCDC has accelerated its efforts to resume work in various projects. By July 1, all four projects in Malaysia had resumed. Twenty-nine out of 30 projects under construction in Singapore have been approved by the BCA to resume production, and the last one is waiting for the results after submitting application.

Working separately and implementing pandemic prevention measures

Office spaces of all levels had been disinfected before June 30 by specialists. “Safe entry” QR code signs were put up for people to scan and register before entering the office building. In addition, employees were required to report their health status before returning to work.


In order to best protect people’s health and safety amid the pandemic, CCDC has introduced separate working protocols for its employees and set a transitional period for their resumption of work. During the transitional period, employees have been divided into groups to go to the office separately in turns. Returning employees were required to scan the “safe entry” QR code and pass the body temperature test before entering the designated workspace. To use the conference room, an application must be filed at least one day in advance with the specific number of meeting participants. Currently, some 100 employees in headquarter offices of all levels have returned to work.


Ensuring pandemic prevention supplies for frontline workers

Upon approval, all CCDC projects have made orderly arrangement and carried out production work. Pandemic prevention supplies, such as face masks, hand sanitizer, and mosquito repellent, have been sent to frontline workers.

Currently, all CCDC projects approved by the BCA have been building dormitories at an accelerated pace for their own workers. In the meantime, CCDC has been communicating with the BCA to arrange COVID-19 tests for workers living in Singapore’s foreign worker dormitories, in order to bring them back to work.


With solid management, systems, supervision and material supplies in place, CCDC will further implement pandemic prevention and control measures, and accelerate the resumption of work and production.

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